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Home Remedies To Lose Belly Fat - Amazing Methods To Lose Abdominal Fat Naturally


Stay away from very low calorie diets

 It is very important to stay away from very low calorie diets, because they make the body burn less calories. Diets that are very low on calories can decrease your metabolic rate by 20-30% and even up 45%, according to studies. The most devastating effect of such extreme diets, is that the body begins to get rid of its own muscle tissue, to conserve energy (how to burn belly fat naturally). The weight you lose with these diets, is not all fat; 40-50% of the weight you lose can come water weight and muscle tissue. It is essential to build and maintain as much muscle mass as possible, because muscle accelerates your metabolic rate and you burn more calories.

 Are you really working hard and still finding it very hard to burn belly fat?  Endomorphs find it especially difficult to lose stomach fat and you could have endomorph characteristics. It can be really frustrating when you see a person lose tummy fat very easily without much effort and you try and try, but have nothing to show for it. Endomorphs for example, have a real trouble losing fat, because they metabolism is really slow and they also store fat extremely easily. An endomorph is someone who has medium to large joints and a large frame. Endomorphs need to work harder and know a lot more about fat loss, which is why I have written some really helpful tips to help you burn tummy fat (how to lose stomach fat quickly).

 There are plenty of ectomorphs and mesomorphs, who have incredible genetics and these people can eat all kinds of junk and still lose stomach fat. You are not so lucky if you are an endomorph; you need to be very disciplined and you must follow your diet very strictly nearly all the times. You should be doing plenty of aerobic training, because that is they key to losing fat for endomorphs. There are many other important factors that you need to keep in mind, if you want to lose belly fat for good.

 Boost the frequency of cardio exercises

 There are a lot of people, who are not getting positive results even with 40-45 minutes of training. And like I said before, doing more than 60 minutes of cardio is not a good idea, and it is also very hard physically. The more frequently you exercise, the more calories you lose and fat loss is all about calories. If you are just starting out, you should be doing aerobic training 3 times a week. And you should only make changes to your diet or exercise program, if you are not getting results. Although you should start to consider doing cardio more frequently, if you are not achieving the results you hoped for. In many cases people need to do cardio 6-7 times a week to get results. If you really want to get very lean and achieve a fitness model type look, then you need to be doing cardio 6-7 times a week, for 40-45 minutes per session.

 So as you can see, there are many different strategies you can use, when your rate of fat loss has slowed down. The main thing is not to lose hope when you are not able to burn stomach fat. The main thing is to track your progress and keep track of everything, so you could make the necessary changes to avoid fat los plateaus.

 To lose stomach fat, focus on calories

 When your goal is to lose tummy fat, then you need to focus on calories. The less you track your calories, the less like you are to lose fat and the more like you are to end in failure. So many people say that calories are not important and counting calories is a waste of time (home remedies to lose belly fat). In so many cases the people who are against counting and tracking calories, are fat and overweight themselves or have a worthless product to sell. One of the biggest mistakes you could do, is not to focus on your calorie intake and the number of calories burnt.