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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast In 1 Week - Learn Quick Tips For Getting Rid of Stomach Fat Easily


Who wouldn't like to get rid of the excess fat around the belly and hips?  So many people are overweight and certainly every person wants to be happy with themselves and feel sexy. It is not easy to lose tummy fat and it can be very confusing. It is very hard for people to lose fat in general, because they really don't know what is important. In this article I will tell you what it really takes to lose stomach fat (how to get rid of belly fat quickly) and why so many people never manage to succeed.

 That is right!  Endomorphs need to speed up their metabolism in order to effectively lose stomach fat and exercise is essential for speeding up the metabolism. It is essential for endomorphs to give their metabolism a boost, because that is necessary for fat loss. And exercise is a great way to boost the metabolism. It is extremely hard and even impossible to lose tummy fat successfully, if you neglect weight training, cardio training or don't follow a proper diet plan.

 Decrease your calorie intake

 If the target is to lose tummy fat, then the first strategy that most people will use, is to eat less food. Or if you believe that you are eating too much, because you have underestimated the amount of calories you need to lose belly fat (how to burn stubborn belly fat). One of the major drawbacks of the "eating less" approach, is that when your calories are already low, then further reduction of calories is counter-productive.

 One of the reasons why so many people struggle to lose belly fat, is because they believe starving themselves in the solution. If you cut your calories below your metabolic needs, then it is inevitable that your metabolism will slow down, so you need to be careful. When you go on a diet and you drastically cut your food intake, you lose weight very quickly, but it never lasts for very long because of this reason. Cutting your calorie intake can work, but it can only work, if your calorie intake is moderate or high. The faster your metabolism is, the more calories you burn, so you don't want to do anything that can slow down your metabolic rate. Cardio training and weight training help people speed up their metabolism, rather than slow it down.

 Boost the frequency of cardio exercises

 Although most people are able to burn belly fat with 40-45 minutes of cardio, for some people that is not enough. And like I said before, doing more than 60 minutes of cardio is not a good idea, and it is also very hard physically. Increasing the frequency of your aerobic workouts, is another thing that is very helpful for a lot of people. For beginners, doing cardio 3-4 times per week, is more than enough to burn belly fat, if the diet is like it should be. And if you are able to lose tummy fat successfully by doing cardio 3 times a week, then why change that? So if you are noticing that you are not losing fat as quickly and as easily as before, then you can increase the frequency of your workouts. When your body fat levels are getting really low, then it is even necessary to exercise 6-7 times a week to get results. If you really want to get very lean and achieve a fitness model type look, then you need to be doing cardio 6-7 times a week, for 40-45 minutes per session.

 So as you can see, there are many different strategies you can use, when your rate of fat loss has slowed down. When you are not making much progress, then it is easy to lose hope, but there is always something you can do (how to lose belly fat fast in 1 week). Which is why it is really important to find out what changes you can make, to help you burn stomach fat faster and not get stuck on a fat loss plateau.